Pay Attention to Your Dreams

One of my favorite parts of living happens when I’m asleep and I dream… This Christmas, I was reminded how important dreams were to the Christmas story. If Joseph and the Wise Men hadn’t paid attention to their dreams, Christmas would have been ruined. Then I was chatting with someone who said they categorize theirContinue reading “Pay Attention to Your Dreams”

What America Needs in 2021

I watched the US presidential election as a man caught between two horn-locked bison slowing the flow of progress. The two pursuits of my professional life—peacemaking and revival—have deeply connected me with two very divergent communities of Jesus followers. One group follows Christ in pursuing peacemaking, speaking out for social justice, and serving the poorContinue reading “What America Needs in 2021”

Partnering with God

This week my son generously offered to help me redo my website. I was reminded of when he was small, and wanted to help. In those days, his help was limited to following my commands: “Hold this. Hand me that.” Now he’s an adult. He knows what I like. But he also has his ownContinue reading “Partnering with God”


I’m happy to announce that the Hope Trilogy is now complete! After the book’s description, please keep reading about this profound writing journey for me. Purchase at Amazon: Hope Breaks Through Also available on iBooks, Nook and others From the back cover: The tension in the town of Hope builds to a climax in thisContinue reading “New Release–HOPE BREAKS THROUGH”

Riots and Revival

Riots motivated by racial injustice destroy a town . . . . . . was a scene from my 2nd book of the HOPE Trilogy, published three weeks ago. At the time, I would not have guessed I’d be spending the Saturday night before Pentecost under a citywide curfew as the National Guard had toContinue reading “Riots and Revival”

Corona Virus–5 Areas for a Fresh Start

Have you ever clicked something on your computer, then suddenly realized that you made a horrific, disastrous mistake? At first you freeze, your mind scrambling for some way to take it back. Then you panic. You want to scream, cry, punch something, swear, or run away and join a monastery. But eventually, you find aContinue reading “Corona Virus–5 Areas for a Fresh Start”

Hope is a Dangerous Place–New Release

I’m happy to announce the release of my newest novel, the first in a new trilogy with the theme of pursuing revival and societal transformation in America. As always, the truths I want to present are woven into an entertaining suspense story, this time set in rural Colorado. The hope for revival rests upon severalContinue reading “Hope is a Dangerous Place–New Release”

Revival and Societal Transformation

      What does revival look like? How might a true revival transform our society? When I was young, I read everything I could about historic revivals. Here are just a few of my heroes— I was enthralled by the courage of men like John G. Paton who led an entire island of cannibalsContinue reading “Revival and Societal Transformation”

Responding to ISIS

ISIS continues to dominate the news headlines, from this week’s cover of Time magazine to the brutal images we see nearly every week on the national news. The closer we feel to the victims, the more personal our grief and the more urgently we want to respond. If you are Japanese, the beheading of journalistContinue reading “Responding to ISIS”

Praying for Strangers

Tonight we begin another fasting month of Ramadan, when we will join our Muslim friends and neighbors in not eating or drinking during the daylight hours.  As much as my body hates fasting, my spirit knows that my body needs to be reminded who is really in charge here.  Or as my former mentor, LouContinue reading “Praying for Strangers”